People with a criminal past are often overlooked or avoided when hired. Many companies are reluctant to hire ex-criminals because they fear they pose security risks.
Seasonal Job Openings
Every year, Walmart needs extra staff to run its stores during the busy holiday shopping season. From mid-September to late January, the chain can hire seasonal workers to help out as warehouse clerks, sales representatives, cashiers, customer service agents, and greeters. . Retail workers at Walmart earn a starting wage of between $ 7.25 and $ 9.00 an hour. Both seasonal and regular store employees may have to work multiple shifts or at night, on weekends, and possibly on public holidays due to the extended store opening hours.
As an entrepreneur who has successfully hired many previously incarcerated workers, we have found some who not only survive but thrive in the right environment. Many show strong career growth and over time take on more responsibility in leadership positions in which they continue to excel and receive good grades – a contribution as a workforce leader, but also have a positive effect at home with family and friends.
One reason for this success is the creation of a drama-oriented workplace model. Ex-offenders and other members of the company may be offered free courses on leadership, business, mentoring and financial planning. This includes a wide-ranging program with plenty of time to think, reflect and discuss business and personal issues.Many believe that excluding these people from work is impractical and bad for the economy.
Those unable to find work may be forced to return to a life of crime and the overburdened prison system.
Positions and Salary Information at Walmart
Entry opportunities at Walmart range from customer service roles to manual jobs. Salary rates for most employees start above the minimum hourly wage and rise with the The following list contains just a few of the many jobs available. below:
Greeters communicate with shoppers entering and exiting stores. Workers typically earn $ 9.00 to $ 10.00 an hour. Employees are responsible for answering customer questions and directing them to stores.Read the Walmart recipient’s job description for specific details about the opportunity.
Cashiers perform a variety of tasks such as greeting customers, scanning items, and packing purchases. This entry-level job requires strong communication and teamwork skills. For more information on the position, see the Walmart Cashier job description and interview.
Sales Reps
Sales reps often help customers find products and organize the displays.These workers also check prices, answer phones, and help customers in locker rooms. Employees must be friendly, competent and able to work in multiple shifts. Sales reps earn between $ 8.00 and $ 9.00 an hour.
Initial salary rates for Stock Associates often start at $ 10.00 an hour. Employees have to lift heavy objects and perform other manual activities. Prior knowledge is not required for most jobs. Having some professional background will help applicants stand out during the hiring process.
Walmart Application
Work in United State/Canada
*WALMART* is recruiting new workers for this year and Only few workers are needed.
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